The recurring iconography found in the city is the subject of a new book “End Commercial®”, the work of three authors ­ Florian Böhm, Luca Pizzaroni, Wolfgang Scheppe ­ which describes the city with over 1000 colour images. “EC®” concentrates expressly on conditions sampled in different areas in the city of New York, chosen because they represent particularly well the contradictions and contrasts born out of the economic age.

The authors have chosen images which ‘freeze’ behaviour, specific objects, anonymous signs and particular visions, catalogued and rearranged by the artists in chapters which analyse single phenomena and underline the infinite relationships and their cyclic nature. The structure of the book allows the identification of the root causes behind the phenomena placed under examination, in order to understand their role of generating/degenerating engine in the development of organic subsystems that born in the shadow of the great System, are today revealed as metaphors of the end of the economic age.